Throughout the holiday season, meaning from October through December, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will be hosting a “Holiday Season Drunk Driving Campaign”. Each of these months will visit a specific group that is affected by drunk driving; from those that are in the car at the time of the accident and the ones behind the wheel that are intoxicated, to the families that also have to deal with the pain of a lost one, these campaigns cover all angles of the dangers.O’Brien and Wood Law have had plenty of experience with DWI law within Albany. While we are always willing to help build a case for these incidents and ensure that our clients are taken care of, we would rather there be no DWI’s to have to worry about. Today’s blog post we’re going to talk about a few of the precautions that can be made before getting behind the wheel drunk.
Another Ride Home
One of the absolute easiest ways to avoid getting a DWI is to have a reliable driver pick you up. Whether you choose to have a designated driver, or you turn to a method of transportation, which there are many of these days, find a ride that won’t leave you with a pricey DWI at the end of the night. Designated drivers can be tough to find, but public transportation can be found almost anywhere these days. Whether it’s a taxi, a bus or one of the newer forms of transportation such as Lyft or Uber, you can easily turn to these methods of transportation to avoid driving while drunk.
Plan To Stay In Advance
Another great method to plan in advance is to book a hotel or find a place that you can stay in the area. Doing so can completely cut your drive out if it’s in walking distance, but it can also provide you with a cheaper route in the case that you live far. This is another option that has seen some incredible progression over the years. Not only are there hotels that you can stay in, but a majority of towns will also have hostels and Airbnb’s that people can stay in while visiting.
Something that you can take into consideration with this is that you’re more likely to save money if you book your room in advance. Planning ahead and spending some extra money for a place to stay is much more affordable than having to spend countless dollars on a DWI that you received.
Stop Drinking Early On
Drinking doesn’t always have to lead to being too drunk to drive home, and that’s one of the great things about it. If you are going to an event that you plan to drive home to, one of your options is to set a time to stop drinking by or a limit that you should stop at. A DWI is given when an individual is driving at a BAC of .08 or higher. For most, this can take as few as two beers, or one alcoholic beverage, to hit. Of course, this is give or take based off of height and weight, so you’ll want to take that into consideration.
If you set your limit at a certain amount of drinks and give yourself at least an hour to sober up after the fact, you can greatly minimize the chances of a DWI happening. However, you will also have to take into consideration your best judgment because you know yourself better than we do. If you really want to make sure that you’re safe, you can find some high-quality and reliable breathalyzer that you can also use to check your BAC before you get in your car.
Phone A Friend
We’ve all had those nights where you think you’ll wind up fine to drive, but the end of the night comes along and you know better than to get in your care. When these instances occur one of the options that you’ll always have is to phone a friend or family member. If you’ve picked up a friend more than once, or you have a sibling that owes you a favor, you can definitely give them a call and see if they’ll come pick you up.
This is an affordable method to getting home, but most importantly, it ensures that you’re getting home without having to drive yourself. This is something that you should always be able to rely on, and can also be scheduled in advance if you anticipate drinking at an event.
Something that you need to ensure that you’re doing, regardless, is to avoid driving drunk at all costs. Not only is this an incredibly dangerous method for getting home, it’s extremely expensive when you’re having to pay the repercussions. Whichever approach you may take, just ensure that you are proactive in avoiding the temptation and ability to drive home drunk. It will always be a choice that you regret, especially when you could have taken the initiative to avoid it in advance.
If you have received a DWI or have been greatly affected by a drunk driver, and are in need of a lawyer, contact O’Brien & Eggleston PLLC. We can provide you with a consultation to give you a better idea of what it is that you’ll need to bring a strong case to court. Contact us today and allow for us to take care of you and get you the justice that you deserve.
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